Double paged illustration for The Sketchbook Project 2013 (2)
Another double paged illustration for The Sketchbook Project 2013.
All my sketches will be displayed soon at the website of this exciting collaborative project.
Another double paged illustration for The Sketchbook Project 2013.
All my sketches will be displayed soon at the website of this exciting collaborative project.
Double paged illustration for The Sketchbook Project 2013
Some illustrations made for Nestle, in its promotional activity «Innova 2.0»
(Click on the magnifying glass to see them full)
Other of these illustrations thar are only for testing. I am quite pleased with the girl on the television.
My modest contribution to the 2012 edition The Sketchbook Project, which I called «Smooth rumbling movement»
Mi humilde aportación a la edición 2012 de The Sketchbook Project, a la que llamé, por llamarla de alguna forma «Smooth rumbling movement»
from now, 6dilly4dally have your own domain, so you will be redirected to from to its imminent disappearance. Meanwhile, being so busy with other matters and day jobs and changing the interface of this blog, I hope to update soon. See you.
Desde ya, 6dilly4dally tiene su propio dominio, de manera que se redirigirá a hasta su próxima desaparición. Mientras tanto, estando tan ocupado con otros asuntos alimenticios y el cambio del interface de este blog, espero actualizar en breve. Nos vemos.
My illustration book, resume of 6dilly4dally’s posts and other works.
In the process of migrating to WordPress, version by the moment, it seems (I am to discover the reason, maybe it’s my fault) introduces this platform, without notice, ads in the entries at random. So, until I have solved this issue, I will publish on Blogger, as I have not yet canceled this account and all entries are duplicated. That’s the story, a little fuss to return to where it was 6dilly4dally. It has happened as the baby of the image: «Before shaving, wait to have a beard.»
En pleno proceso de migración a WordPress, de momento a, según parece (estoy por descubrir el motivo, quizá se trate de un error mío) esta plataforma introduce, sin previo aviso, anuncios en las entradas de manera aleatoria. De manera que, hasta tener solucionado este tema, volveré a publicar en Blogger, ya que no he cancelado todavía esta cuenta y todas las entradas están duplicadas. En fin, un pequeño lío para volver a donde estaba 6dilly4dally. Me ha pasado como al bebé de la imagen: «Antes de afeitarse, hay que esperar a tener barba».
One of these illustrations that were left behind.
These characters, created for an animated presentation of ideas4all, are also now in a very similar recreated for Nestlé.
Estos personajes, creados para una animación que presentaba ideas4all, aparecen también en una muy similar recreada para Nestlé.